Guerilla Street Teams​
From the streets to the beaches, rural or urban we have you covered. ​
Product Promotion​
Mascots and Sign Wavers

Street Team Promotions - Super Nanny TV​
Executed street team promotions to promote the new TV show - Super Nanny. Promoters dresses in purple business suits, black pumps and umbrellas. Passed out balloons and flyers to families with children to promote the premier launch.

Postering Campaign
​Executed the "You Are Crazy" guerrilla postering campaign for IKEA
in major cities around the mid-west. Target locations were construction site walls in high traffic urban areas.

Sandwich Board Promotion -
Krispy Kreme
Guerrilla ​Street Teams dressed in Krsipy Kreme attire roamed city festivals and art fairs promoting Frozen Blends a great summer time beverage. Coupons and literature distributed. Sandwich boards were used often.

Street Teams -
United Airlines
Bermuda Tourism
Street Teams promoted the United Airlines to Bermuda route by dressing promoters in Bermuda shorts, Navy Blazers, knee high socks as the roamed high traffic business centers passing out pens and luggage tags. Great awareness for United Airline's new Non-Stop service to Bermuda. Coordinated with other advertising.​

Guerilla Distribution to University Faculty Offices​
Guerrilla Distribution to college faculty offices to create awareness for TIAA CREFF products and services. Promotion targeted end user faculty members. Complimentary branded coffee cups and literature were delivered to hundreds of offices at Universities throughout the state of Michigan.

Mobile Marketing and Acquisition -
Shell E85
On-sight promotion for Shell's new E85 Ethanol products. Teams created awareness by engaging customers while at the pump. Stress balls, coupons and other promotional literature were distributed to all customers. Executed events at over 100 locations.